After leaving school at the age of 18 Suzanne started employment with Ogwr Borough Council, as it was then, as a Housing Assistant. A job she stayed in for almost 18 years, even through the privatisati0n of the council housing stock and becoming Valleys 2 Coast.
Suzanne then joined Bridgend College in 2006 where she assisted students in the Student Services Department, a job that she really enjoyed before recently transferring to a role in the Finance Department to further her career prospects.
Suzanne, along with her husband Tony, started coming to the park primarily to get exercise and improve her fitness in 2016. After meeting a few members on the park she soon became a regular visitor and joined the Friends. Suzanne loves nothing more than getting involved with the craft activities, marshalling at park events and carrying out litter picking on the park. Its fair to say that she loves the group and sees is as not just a group of passionate volunteers but more like family.
Suzanne then joined Bridgend College in 2006 where she assisted students in the Student Services Department, a job that she really enjoyed before recently transferring to a role in the Finance Department to further her career prospects.
Suzanne, along with her husband Tony, started coming to the park primarily to get exercise and improve her fitness in 2016. After meeting a few members on the park she soon became a regular visitor and joined the Friends. Suzanne loves nothing more than getting involved with the craft activities, marshalling at park events and carrying out litter picking on the park. Its fair to say that she loves the group and sees is as not just a group of passionate volunteers but more like family.